Address: Plaza Santiago, Nº 7 Postal code 18.800 Baza (Granada) - Spain - |
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€ 128,000
Code: v2867 Property types: Farmhouse/Cortijo,Country home,Rustic house,Plot of land Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms/WCs: 1 Visits: 674
A rustic 1 bedroom villa with land situated in the countryside on the outskirts of Baza Granada. The house is in need of updating but is habitable with a large fenced parcel of land of 1¸700m with a few outside sheds ad storage rooms. The property has a water deposit/pool with a large terrace.----Full Video Available ------ The property has 1 bedroom¸ living room¸ kitchen¸ garage¸ outside workshop¸ garden storerooms and a water deposit/pool.
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